(03) 9871 7555

Supporting Ministry Leaders During COVID-19

The buildings are closed but the church is OPEN! If you require tech or pastoral support, please contact your Conference Ministerial Secretary.

RESOURCES for CHURCH LEADERS Request permission at https://trello.com/b/BfZvBcoz/resources-for-church-leaders

RESOURCES for CHAPLAINS Request permission at https://trello.com/b/mkRkkLS1/resources-for-chaplains

AUCMinisterial Facebook Page (for church employees, past and present. see group pre-requisites)

OZ & NZ Chaplains Facebook Page (for chaplains in ASA Education, past and present. see group pre-requisites)

Livestreams around Australia at disciple.org.au

SAMPLE TRELLO Visitation Board at https://trello.com/b/tVG4A9ML/sample-visits-board

MD Support? email support@md.adventist.org.au

Your MD Portal is located at md.adventist.org.au

WebClusters – from time to time by Conference, AUC and AUC/NZPUC – a chance to connect with other ministry leaders.