Here are some simple resources and ideas to help you when you need to put together some advertising quickly and cheaply!
1. Free Adventist Graphic Resources
Check out by Graphic Designer Joanne Davies. This incredible collection of stunning and free Adventist resources should make light work of any event advertising needs you might have.
2. Using Keynote (Mac), Powerpoint (Mac or PC) or Google Slides (free)
Design your Slide using the program. There are a number of excellent sources for free images that can be used without copyright restrictions. For example, see Otherwise be sure to secure the rights to use an image before publishing it.
Export the slide as an image using the File Menu. This new image file can be used as part of your screen presentations, printed as a poster, emailed to your people (be sire to resize it to around 1000pixels wide) or posted to your website or social media pages.