Ideas to Reach Dads
/They are the people that are always there, sometimes they can annoy us and other times we get the “Dad Jokes” at the most embarrising times. They are also the back bone of the family and the one who is there when we need that fatherly advice or help. Yep Dads are pretty amazing people and sometimes we forget how much they mean to us (apart from Fathers Day) so here you will find some ideas of how to show Dads you love them as well as share the love of Jesus with them. Go on, why not give them a try in your home, church, youth group or the like.
- Purchase a $10 Bunnings or Masters gift card and place in an envelope along with a connect card and deliver to your neighbours. You can choose to buy as many as you like but remember you are sharing the love of Jesus
- Buy some kitkats and make a little card using wording along the lines of “have a break, have a kit kat on us”, Thanks for being a Dad in our community.
- Organise a Family Funday for Dad’s at you church, you might like to go to the local car and motor bike dealers or even council and get them to bring their “Big Boys Toys” along. Organise some family games etc and make up invites to the Dad’s and their families in your community
- Organise a Fathers Day or Men’s breakfast bbq in your street or at your church
- Give away free cans of soft drink on the side of the road to all Dads who walk or drive by
- Free car wash for Dads who bring their cars to the church (if you know or have a mechanic in your church you could ask them to come along and provide free service checks as well)
- Give away free packets of Tim Tams to all Dads with a message of thanks and to share them with the family tonight
- Go to the local Petrol station, watch for a family or Dad to pull up, wait for him to fill his car then pay for it before they come inside leaving a little card or leaflet saying happy Fathers day from …
- Buy the Sunday morning paper and deliver it to Dads. Attach a hot drink sachet along with a card saying “Enjoy your Fathers Day on us”!
- Go to a coffee shop and if you are a church or group give them a certain amount of money along with a card so that as Fathers come in their hot drink is paid for and a card is given. Always good to talk to the manager or the shop some weeks in advance.
For assistance in regards to any of the ideas or for connect card samples contact the SQC Personal Ministries Department by calling (07) 3218 7777 or email gregpratt@adventist.org.au